Academic Services: 1st – 8th grade

Summer is a time to help student strengthen their academic skills and close any learning gaps they may have. We build a small nurturing environment where we are able to work closely with students and help them become stronger students. Each class is taught by a certified teacher or topic specialist in the subject matter.

Eureka Academic Services are offered from 3:00 – 4:30

Cost: $275

Note: The registration for Reading Laboratory is available on All the Registration Forms found on the Register NOW page. If you will be registering for any of our others camps you can add the Reading Laboratory class during your registration. If you only want the Reading Laboratory class you can pick any of the registrations and just check off Reading Laboratory.

2018 Academic Services

Reading Laboratory

Whether you are a rock star reader or need help decoding, comprehending, inferring, and analyzing what you read, we can help you. All our readers will take a diagnostic test to place them at their specific reading level. Once we have a picture of your reading skills we will create an individual plan tailored just for you. You will end the workshop a stronger and more powerful reader. All these skills will translate to school and life success! And our biggest hope is that you will learn to love reading and books!